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Joshua 1:9

Fostering Futures Team

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

This month, we sat down together to reflect on what Joshua 1:9 means to us. Just like we might each have a different take on this verse, we also realize that everyone’s faith walk is at a different pace and place. Some are a lot further along, some are just starting, and some don’t know where to begin. What many starting out fail to realize is that no matter where you’re at, what your story or past is, the Lord can and will use you. Our journeys aren’t all the same, they don’t start off the same, but as brothers and sisters in Christ, it is our responsibility to look after each other, to hold each other accountable, to lift each other up, and to love each other, regardless. To truly know and love God is to love His people. As individuals, our faith is our foundation, and it was imperative to us that faith be the foundation for Fostering Futures of North Carolina, as well. Picking out a verse to properly reflect the spirit we wanted Fostering Futures of North Carolina to embody and convey was a challenge, in that there were so many verses that would fit. We had a list, and we sat on it for some time. We prayed over them. At one point, we finally had it narrowed down to two verses, one from Ephesians and the other from Deuteronomy, but we never got the peace or the confirmation we were looking for. It wasn’t until later when Joshua 1:9 kind of presented itself while watching a sermon (Holy Spirit activate) that we unanimously got the peace and confirmation we had been seeking.

With that said, we want to share with you what Joshua 1:9 means to each of us. Our hope is that this will help someone, no matter where their faith walk might be and serve as a reminder to “Let Go and Let God”.

Stephanie: We live in a world where the Lord has warned us that there will be many trials and tribulations (John 16:33). He has never promised us that we will live a life that is easy. However, God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us to be strong in our weakness, and courageous in our fears, and it is through His redemption that we have hope for our future. He is a loving Father and Friend. He can turn our mess into our message and our tests into testimonies. He can redeem our life stories, and He is with us through the good decisions and the bad. He is with us....wherever we are....near....far....and everything in between.

Katelyn: Joshua 1:9 is a promise that no matter what we are going through, we are never alone. It’s easy to be optimistic and confident when everything in life is going our way. In these moments, I feel like I’m on top of the world and nothing can stop me from accomplishing my goals. This can all change at a moment’s notice, once one thing messes up or doesn’t go to plan, it seems that everything falls apart as quickly as I built it. These are the moments that I become my own worst enemy. I feel alone with my thoughts and like to retreat until things calm down. The same can be said for going into new and challenging opportunities. Usually, my fear and anxiety can hold me back from being my true self and showing all the skills and talents that God has given me. Joshua 1:9 serves as my reminder that while life will not always go to plan, new opportunities may push me out of my comfort zone. At times I may feel like I’m completely alone, but God is with me every step of the way. More than anything, I can know that in the darkest times of my life, I can be strong and comforted in knowing that by trusting in Him, wholeheartedly, He is guiding me each step of the way.

Story: This bible verse is a command from our Heavenly Father to not be afraid or be discouraged and that no matter what is going on, hold your head up because He is with us.

When I have gone through some extremely difficult times, and I could barely breathe from a broken heart or fear, I would have to remind myself that God had me in the palm of his hands. He knows the beginning to the end. That is why He can tell us to be strong and courageous. He knows we will get through any trial we are faced with, if we would only trust in him, move forward, and stay in Him. He knows we are human and fear and loneliness seeps in, that's why He reminds us so often of these words. Whether you read them in the word or feel them in your heart, or God sends a friend to remind you... God will be with you always. God is not a god of lies, and His word is always true, so I trust in it and pray you do too.

Kaitlin: I think looking back, I can see where this verse would be applicable in so many of the puzzle pieces that have gotten us here, thus far. For me, this verse serves as a reminder of our ever-evolving relationship with the Lord, to especially lean on him and not our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). We all have our peaks and valleys we go through, things that might seem overwhelming, that might make us question our very existence, and other times when God shows up and shows out with blessings upon blessings. No matter what, it is a reminder to seek the Lord in all things and to remember that it’s not up to us to know all of the details. It’s up to us to trust in Him and be obedient. He will make it known in his own perfect timing. He never called on us to have a big faith but faith the size of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20). When we’re faithful, we become faith-filled. I think a perfect example of this is Fostering Futures of North Carolina. We stepped out in faith to do something out of our comfort zone, at a time when we had so many other things going on, didn’t feel ready, were exhausted, and for me personally, I didn’t feel exactly qualified (I can already hear the lecture coming from Hillsborough). However, we trusted and continue to trust in the Lord, and we’ve become witnesses to things that we know can only be of God’s hand. So take the step, look to God, trust in Him when your faith is weak, and speak up, so others can intercede and pray on your behalf.

By far, we are an imperfect team, yet we continue to seek and trust in The Lord to guide our each and every step along this journey. Just like life, we’re going to have victories and we’re going to have our setbacks. This verse however will be our constant reminder that our setbacks will set us up for the comebacks. We serve together. We lead together. We pray together. None of this is possible by any one person’s doing. It's not possible without each other, our Board, our community, and most definitely is not possible without God. So no matter how alone you may feel in whatever situation you find yourself in, you’re truly never alone when you have God and when you have people constantly praying for and supporting you. We believe there is power in numbers, and when you have an army of prayer warriors behind you and with God always by your side, anything is truly possible.


The FFNC Team

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