OUR Goals
Goal 1:
Awarding scholarships to kids aging out of foster care that are seeking to pursue secondary degrees, trades, or get their GED to the school / program of their choice. Our goal is to be able to renew these scholarships throughout the course of their program, until its completion, in addition to offering scholarships to new recipients, as well.
Goal 2: Sponsor-A-Senior
To sponsor a high school senior in Alamance or Caswell Co. that is currently in foster care, whether that is covering for SAT / ACT fees, college admission fees, yearbooks, senior / graduation portraits, cap and gown expenses, or any of the other expenses that are customary for the senior year experience.
Goal 3: Our Initiatives
Our initiatives are special projects that we hope to accomplish throughout the year, such as being able to provide go-bags, raise awareness, form community partnerships, and resources. This will be an evolving undertaking and with your support and gracious donations, something we hope we can accomplish.
Goal 4: Job Placement
To assist in securing employment opportunities for teenagers in foster care, about to age out, or have aged out of foster care.