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With life, there is always adversity and even more so for the children in foster care.  Having faith doesn't eliminate  adversity, but it gives you the strength, courage, and hope to overcome and to know and trust in the Lord that He will never forsake you, even in the darkest of times. Joshua 1:9  

Education, professional development, mentorship, and networking are all critical components in becoming productive and successful adults in this world. Therefore, it is our goal to "bridge the gap" for those aging out of foster care with resources such as scholarships, tangible items, mentorship, and job placement to truly set them up for a successful and productive life. 

More often than not, the fundamentals of life aren't taught, regardless of whether a child is in foster care or not.  Our hope is to teach and instill important fundamentals and life-skills that will give them a solid foundation to foster a successful, self-sustaining, and independent life post foster care. 


"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

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